How to clean a Dolce Gusto coffee machine

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the taste of your coffee and ensure the optimal performance of your Dolce Gusto coffee machine.

Although cleaning a Dolce Gusto coffee machine may seem daunting, it is not as complicated as it sounds. However, it is essential to follow specific guidelines to avoid possible future damage or regrets.

This article will provide valuable information on the necessary tasks and helpful tips to clean your Dolce Gusto effectively. To begin with, it is important to recognise that your coffee machine has several components, each of which requires separate cleaning to maintain its optimum condition.

The nozzle of the Dolce Gusto coffee machines

Let’s start with one of the most important parts of Dolce Gusto coffee machines: the nozzle or injector. As most people know, coffee machines have an excellent spout through which the coffee flows into the cup once the water has been injected through the capsule.

Every time the coffee machine is used, all the coffee flows out of this spout, and it is easy to imagine residue building up on the walls of the spout over time. If the nozzle becomes clogged, it can affect the coffee pressure, generate less crema or, in more serious cases, produce less coffee than expected.

Not many users know that Dolce Gusto coffee machines come equipped with a small cleaning needle specifically designed to clean the nozzle. This needle is usually hidden at the back of the coffee machine, which can only be accessed by removing the water tank.

What is the Dolce Gusto cleaning needle like
What is the Dolce Gusto cleaning needle-like

Note: If you cannot find or have lost it, use a needle, a conventional pin or a paper clip.

➡️ Check my list of 10 things you should never do with a capsule coffee maker for more detailed information.

The Water Tank for Dolce Gusto

The water tank is another of the most important components of our Dolce Gusto coffee machine, and although most users overlook it, it requires proper maintenance and cleaning.

One of the main guidelines for cleaning the water tank is prevention, emptying the water every few days and avoiding leaving it stagnant, especially if you know you will not use the machine for several days. This will help prevent the accumulation of sediment and debris on the walls and bottom of the tank.

Since the water in the tank will be used to make coffee, it is crucial to ensure that it does not come into contact with dirty surfaces. In addition, it is advisable to give the tank a quick rinse in the dishwasher or wash it thoroughly by hand occasionally.

However, rinse and dry it thoroughly to remove any traces of detergent inside. This will ensure clean, impurity-free water for brewing quality coffee.

The coffee pods

Although it may not seem like it, the coffee pods play a crucial role in cleaning Dolce Gusto coffee machines, and here I will explain why it is important to pay attention to them.

A key aspect of keeping the coffee injector in good condition is to remove the used pods immediately after brewing. If left in the compartment, the injector (which has a shape designed to penetrate the capsule) will come into contact with coffee residue. Initially, this residue will be wet, but in a short time, it will dry out, forming a compact mass.

This build-up of residues in the coffee pods can cause blockages and affect the proper functioning of the coffee machine. In addition, dried coffee residues can leave an undesirable taste in subsequent brews.

Therefore, it is essential to dispose of used coffee pods in a timely manner to keep the injector and the brewer system clean and in optimal condition.

Cleaning the internal components

Cleaning the internal components of the Nescafé Dolce Gusto coffee machine is also essential. How is this done? It’s very simple: let the water circulate through the machine’s internal circuits.

The water will remove any traces of dirt or small particles that may have accumulated there. However, you will not be able to treat limescale residues with this method, but I will introduce you to a specific solution for this later on.

To allow the water to flow through the inner tubes of the coffee machine, you need to switch it on in hot and cold water modes (both are recommended). Do this process as if you were going to brew a coffee, but without placing or using any capsules.

This simple practice of letting the water circulate through the internal components of the coffee machine will ensure basic cleanliness and help to keep the machine in good working order. However, we will explore other options for dealing with limescale residues and keeping the coffee machine in optimal condition.

External cleaning of the Dolce Gusto coffee machine

The drip tray is possibly the dirtiest part of your Nescafé Dolce Gusto, as its main function is to collect coffee waste. Although the waste will not affect the coffee, it is advisable to rinse it regularly to remove accumulated deposits and sediment for hygienic reasons.

If left too long, the coffee grounds will dry out, in which case the best solution is to put it directly into the dishwasher or to clean it thoroughly. The same situation applies to the coffee pod holder, so cleaning it thoroughly with water is recommended to prevent any residue or dirt from contaminating the coffee pods.

Lastly, to maintain a clean and shiny Nescafé Dolce Gusto coffee machine, do not forget to wipe the exterior with a clean, slightly damp cloth or a rinsed cloth. Pay close attention to the interior near the coffee spout, as you may be surprised by the number of droplets that adhere to the walls when examined closely.

Furthermore, to keep your Nescafé Dolce Gusto coffee machine in perfect condition, it is important to descale it periodically. The frequency of descaling will depend on how frequently you use the machine. Descaling is crucial for cleaning the internal components of your Nescafé Dolce Gusto.

For more information on the procedure for descaling Dolce Gusto coffee machines, we have prepared the following article: How to descale Dolce Gusto coffee machines.

4 thoughts on “How to clean a Dolce Gusto coffee machine”

  1. Finally, a site which helped me with basic, but essential cleaning of my Melody. I wondered how to clean the nozzle: I had even noticed the spring like objects the rear, but didn’t know its use. I do now. Wonderful. Thank you

  2. Finally, a site which helped me with basic, but essential cleaning of my Melody. I wondered how to clean the nozzle: I had even noticed the spring like object @ the rear, but didn’t know its use. I do now. Wonderful. Thank you

  3. My dolce gusto oblo has stopped working. It turns on, flashes green and goes back on red. No sound from it. Could it be the pump?

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