What is the best water for brewing coffee?

It is a proven fact that 90% of users, if not more, use tap water to fill the tanks of our machines, and we carry out the filling process in a routine, almost mechanical way, without paying too much attention to it or giving it much importance.

However, we know that the quality and composition of water is very different depending on the city you are in. Therefore, there is always a sector of the public that wonders what the best water for making coffee is. And that is exactly what we are going to try to clarify in this article: what possibilities we have in our hands to use the best water to prepare coffee.

The advice and tips we will give here are valid for any type of coffee machine, regardless of whether it is a manual machine, in which you have to serve boiled water every time you make a coffee or one with a tank that you refill from time to time.

After all, remember that almost all of the coffee we consume is water: it is not silly to look for the best possible water for coffee machines in your environment. Let’s see how:

What characteristics should the best water for coffee machines have?

If you are looking for the best water for making coffee, you need to make sure of at least two things:

Firstly, of course, that it is as tasteless as possible. There are waters of excellent quality and completely suitable for consumption, but whose mineral components give it a very strong flavour that ends up being transmitted to the coffee.

Secondly, it must have an adequate balance in its mineral composition. This is important to understand in order to be able to choose the water for our coffee maker correctly so that we will explain it to you quickly.

Basically, if water has a lot of minerals (known as hard water), the coffee will come out a little bitter, while if it has little (soft water), the extraction of the components and substances of the coffee will not be optimal; it will be very difficult.

What we are looking for when preparing coffee is the water of medium hardness: not too hard, not too soft. How can you tell if the tap water you have at home is soft or hard? Well, by using a hardness or pH test that you can easily buy on Amazon, like any of these:

Is tap water or mineral water better for making coffee?

Actually, it depends on the characteristics of each. Mineral water is not better for making coffee than tap water, nor vice versa, in absolute terms. It will depend on its composition.

If you choose to use tap water for your coffee maker, it will have to be tasteless and with suitable hardness. If it is not, and there is nothing you can do about it, you are left with the option of mineral water for the best results.

If you use bottled water for your coffee machine, you should know that not just any water will do. Of all the brands you have in the supermarket, you should look for one that is weakly mineralised. In other words: check the list of water composition and look at the calcium and magnesium values. They should be as low as possible.

Another option if you want to use tap water is to buy a water filter for coffee machines if your machine allows it (usually superautomatic machines). If your machine does not allow it, you can always use a Brita purifying jug to obtain a similar result.

Can I use distilled water to make coffee?

No, under no circumstances. Distilled water is not suitable for making coffee because it contains absolutely no minerals. In fact, although it is suitable for drinking, it is not advisable to consume it for a long time because it has no mineral salts.

Summary: What is the best water for my coffee machine?

The best water for making coffee is water with balanced mineralisation and which has no taste. It can be tap water or mineral water, but always make sure that it meets these two premises.

If you have any doubts, use a water hardness test (they are very cheap) or use a purifying jug to filter the tap water as much as possible.