Which is better, green tea or red tea?

We already know that there are several types of tea on the market (actually there are dozens if we look at the blends, but only six if we stick to the varieties and kinds of essential plants), but along with black tea, the two most popular are clearly red tea and green tea.

What we want to find out in today’s article is: are there differences between them, is red tea or green tea better, and do we have any objective criteria for choosing one or the other, beyond taste and individual preferences?

It is clear that there are clear differences in taste. Green tea is one of the mildest teas that exist because it hardly undergoes oxidation, while red tea undergoes a post-fermentation process that gives it very particular and different qualities from other types of tea.

Which is better, green tea or red tea?

Beyond the taste, the fermentation that red tea undergoes (and the minimal or no oxidation of green tea, at the other extreme) are also responsible for some of the organic properties, benefits and contraindications present in each variety.

This must be very clear: it is not that green tea is better than red tea, nor vice versa, but that each of them will have some advantages for some cases and some disadvantages for others.

We will learn more about these specific points in the following sections of this article.

Red tea or green tea, which has more theine?

All this information can be found in the article on how much theine does tea have? But in any case, we are going to summarise it here, focusing on these two specific varieties.

We should make it clear beforehand that the fact that one has more theine than the other does not mean that green tea is better than red tea, nor vice versa. So, let’s move on to the facts:

  • Green tea is one of the mildest teas available, and has around 20-25 mg of theine per cup, being considered a low theine tea. Provided it is not matcha tea, of course, because matcha teas are high in theine.
  • Red tea is a tea with a low-medium concentration of theine. Around 30 mg per cup is a fairly realistic average figure, i.e. it still cannot be considered a high theine tea, but it clearly has more than green tea.

Red tea, therefore, has more theine than green tea. Of course, these parameters can vary depending on the type of preparation, infusion time, or a specific blend of tea to be prepared.

Red tea vs. green tea: main differences

  • The clearest difference between red and green tea has already been mentioned: green tea is milder and has less theine. This is mainly due to the post-fermentation that red tea undergoes for two or three years after harvesting.
  • Green tea has higher antioxidant properties.
  • In general, red teas are better for digestion.

Green tea vs. red tea: similarities

The benefits of red tea and green tea include the following:

  • Both are good for controlling bad cholesterol levels (much better than coffee).
  • They are both globally low in theine, although we have already seen that the levels are not the same in both teas.
  • Their thermogenic properties help the body’s metabolism to speed up and burn fat faster. Consequently, both teas are often included in weight loss diets. See more information on which tea is the best for weight loss?

Combination of red tea, green tea and horsetail

Green tea and horsetail are often combined to complete detoxification (elimination of toxins) and a slimming diet. The same goes for the infusion of red tea and horsetail, or even all three ingredients together.

This is a mixture that you have to make by hand, having to buy the infusions separately. There is no product on the market (at least to our knowledge) that allows you to enjoy red tea, green tea and horsetail in the same drink.

Green tea or red tea… Which is better for weight loss?

Combining red tea and green tea for weight loss is a very common practice, even mixing them with other ingredients. We have already mentioned their properties throughout this post, and both are diuretics and will help you to eliminate liquids more easily.

If you have to choose between one and the other, we would advise green tea instead of red tea for weight loss. But be clear that both would fall into the “recommended” category. In general, it is recommended that if you consume a lot of tea (several cups a day), you should drink red tea in the mornings, due to its higher caffeine content, and leave green tea for the afternoons or evenings.

Another point to bear in mind, especially if you are following a slimming diet (not all people who want to lose weight are following a specific diet or plan), is that red tea has a greater satiating effect than green tea.