Nespresso Pixie vs Citiz comparison

When we look for a Nespresso Pixie vs CitiZ comparison (or between any other pair of machines), what we usually try to find are the differences between the two models and some buying tips to decide between one and the other. That’s what we’re going to offer you at comprehensive information that will help us preserve our reputation as professional analyzers and comparators in the industry.

Nespresso Pixie vs CitiZ Comparison

The first thing you should be clear about is that the Nespresso Pixie and the Nespresso CitiZ are two machines of different rank within their firm. The Pixie belongs to the mid-range of efficient and compact coffee machines. The CitiZ is clearly in the upper segment, with very peculiar functions that you won’t find in either the Pixie or any other coffee machine on the market.

So let’s start from that base to understand better the rest of the comparison between these two machines. We won’t tell anyone which coffee machine is better than the other, but explain the differences between the two and the points in favour of each to help you decide on your purchase.

Nespresso Pixie

The Pixie is a coffee machine that offers more basic features, a much more compact (small) design and lighter than its competitor in this comparison. Its water tank is smaller (hence the smaller size of the machine), and its speed when preparing espressos is slightly higher.

Nespresso CitiZ

The CitiZ offers a modular design whose components can be adjusted and repositioned as desired (maximum space savings) and the possibility of integrating the machine directly with the Aeroccino. It is narrower but also higher and deeper than the Pixie. Both coffee machines are operated in the same way: they have two buttons on the top that determine the length of the coffee to be prepared (espresso or lungo).

Benefits of the Pixie

  • Price: you can find some Pixie models for less than £100, while the CitiZ is a bit more expensive (about £150 for the basic model).
  • It is smaller.
  • Slightly faster.

Benefits of the CitiZ

  • Modularity.
  • One litre water tank (the Pixie only has 0.7 litres).
  • You can attach an Aeroccino.
  • The cup holder is removable (easier to clean), while the Pixie’s can only be folded up.

Comparison Pixie vs CitiZ in video

Beyond what we can tell you (which no one else will tell you better, modesty aside), it’s always useful to see both coffee machines in operation so that you can clear up any last doubts you may have before making your purchase. Here’s a great comparison between the Nespresso Pixie and the CitiZ made by the guys at Aromacup.

We remind you that if you want to compare the qualities of the Nespresso coffee makers in a more general way, we have a complete table comparing Nespresso coffee makers so that you don’t leave any doubt unanswered.

And to conclude: Did you like this Nespresso Pixie vs CitiZ comparison? What is your choice? Are you a user of one of these two coffee makers? Feel free to leave a comment and tell us about it.