Clay Coffee Machines

Clay coffee machines

In this article, we are going to present the traditional natural clay coffee machines, which we suppose will hardly be in the homes of our readers but which for many years have been of great importance in certain regions and in rural areas. Clay coffee machines are used to make coffee in an old-fashioned way …

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What is washed coffee?

What is washed coffee

Ordinary users, who buy coffee – of better or worse quality – in the supermarket and leave us to our own devices, do not distinguish between the different types of coffee according to the process the beans undergo before drying. We think that all beans are treated equally. But… nothing could be further from the …

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The Honey Coffee Process

The honey coffee process

Today we are going to deal with one of those subjects that we like very much, and that brings us closer to the general public because they are of capital importance in the final qualities of the product we consume. Still, they rarely get the attention they deserve. We are referring to coffee processing, a …

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Copper Coffee Machines

Copper coffee machines

It is not the most common material, but the coffee maker industry is so broad that it can accommodate all kinds of options and finishes to suit all tastes. Copper coffee machines have a very strong personality of their own, and almost all the models on the market share common characteristics (for example, they are …

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Coffee In The Sand

Coffee in the sand

If you’ve never heard this expression before, it may have surprised you or caught your attention. But it exists; it’s real. You’ve probably seen a reference to it on the Internet or a video of an expert Arab barista making coffee with the only help of a pile of sand. Well, this is not a …

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Arabian Coffee

Arabian coffee

In general, there is a lot of confusion with the generic denomination of Arab coffee because it is often confused with Turkish coffee, Lebanese coffee, or with other variants such as coffee in the sand, which are also typical of those regions but which do not follow the same recipe that we explain here. Arabic …

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Fairtrade coffee: a sustainable alternative

Fairtrade Coffee

In today’s world, consumers are increasingly looking for fair trade coffee, not only to fairly reward the coffee producer but also to find a guarantee of quality and sustainability in the product they are taking home. Perhaps not everyone knows what fair trade coffee is, so in this article, we will try to clarify it …

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How Greek coffee is made

greek coffee

Greek coffee is one of those ancestral drinks closely associated with the tradition and customs of a people, in this case, the Greeks, which with time and as a result of globalization, has become increasingly obsolete. We have not dared to include it in our recipe section, as it has no added ingredients other than …

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What is Origin Coffee?

origin coffee

You may have heard this term many times, but the truth is that not everyone is clear about what we are referring to or what is meant when we talk about Origin Coffee. It is true that for the average consumer, it may not be a very important topic, as they are not usually concerned …

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What is roasted fig coffee?

fig coffee

It may seem paradoxical, but in the world of coffee…, not everything is coffee. There are many infusions or drinks of a similar preparation, which are called “coffee” because of their similarity and the way they are made, but which do not come from the coffee plant but from other cereals or vegetables. This is …

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All about Panamanian Geisha coffee

Geisha Coffee

If you are a little bit into the world of coffee, you will know that there are certain productions or origins that are inevitably placed among the best coffees in the world or are always classified as speciality coffees. We have already seen some examples on our website, and today we are going to talk …

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What is meant by highland coffee?

What is meant by highland coffee

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed and cultivated beverages in the world, and of course, this means that it is harvested in many regions across the globe. But we also know that climate and circumstances are not the same everywhere and that some conditions are more ideal than others for growing coffee. From …

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What is Bourbon coffee?

What is Bourbon coffee

Perhaps the general public is not entirely familiar with it. Still, there are many varieties of coffee, beyond the traditional coffee plant (technically called the Typica variety), which is considered the pioneer of them all and has its origins in Ethiopia. One of these varieties is Bourbon coffee, a bean that is highly appreciated by …

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Marita Coffee

Marita Coffee

In today’s article, we are going to talk about Marita coffee for weight loss, a brand with a catalogue of products based on instant coffee but whose purpose goes much further. They are in line with green coffee for weight loss and other natural remedies in the wellness and personal care industry. When it comes …

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Valentus Coffee

Valentus coffee

In the last few years, Valentus coffee has gained a lot of momentum in the diet sector, just like Marita coffee or Lingzhi coffee, to name but a few. But outside this area, not everyone knows what slimming Valentus coffee is, what it consists of and whether it really works. Our intention with this article …

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What is latte coffee?

What is latte coffee

In today’s article, we are going to find out what a latte is, how this preparation is made, and how it differs from other similar (but not the same) preparations that may be confusing to the uninitiated consumer. For example, we have already seen the difference between a cappuccino and a latte macchiato, but a …

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Coffee with Cardamom

Coffee with Cardamom

Coffee can be accompanied or combined with many ingredients to give it a different touch. And today, we are going to get to know one of these variants: coffee with cardamom. Coffee and cardamom have always gone well together, thanks above all to the acidic, eye-catching and slightly spicy counterpoint of this spice, which is …

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Peaberry Coffee

Peaberry Coffee

The name is nice, but the truth is that behind the peaberry coffee lies a whole new universe of aromas and nuances that, in many cases, goes completely unnoticed by the general public. But if you don’t know what peaberry coffee is, don’t worry… before we delve into it, we’re going to explain it in …

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Is it true that coffee is fattening?

Is it true that coffee is fattening

There are many myths surrounding coffee, but among the most recurrent are always those related to weight loss or weight gain. There is no doubt that this is one of the topics that most people are interested in. The question of whether coffee is fattening or not comes from the fact that, as one of …

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How much capacity does a cup of coffee have?

How much capacity does a cup of coffee have

Coffee cups are one of the essential or indispensable accessories when it comes to enjoying our favourite drink. Some people drink it in a glass, but even so, when we talk about consumption, we still refer to it as “having a cup of coffee”. What not many people know is how much capacity a cup …

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Chicory coffee

Chicory Coffee

Many drinks are commonly taken and known as coffee substitutes, almost always by people who cannot consume caffeine or have some intolerance. Among these alternative infusions is chicory coffee, a drink similar to other cereal and root beverages on the market but with very particular properties. Originally, chicory coffee was very popular due to food …

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