Manual pour-over coffee and its coffee makers

Manual pour over coffee and its coffee makers

The world of coffee is a vast universe teeming with various preparation techniques, and among them, filtered coffee has emerged as a continuously growing trend. While we often associate coffee with the intensity of espresso or the comforting aroma of an Italian moka pot, filtered coffee offers an entirely different experience. In this article, I …

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Vietnamese coffee makers

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Vietnamese coffee, known for its unique brewing methods and rich flavours, has become increasingly popular worldwide. In this article, we’ll explore two aspects of Vietnamese coffee culture: the famous Vietnamese egg coffee and the traditional Vietnamese coffee maker. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or curious about this intriguing brew, you’re in for a treat. Vietnamese …

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Coffee percolators

Coffee percolators

In a world dominated by high-tech espresso machines, the humble percolator shines as a symbol of the enduring simplicity and efficiency of coffee brewing. Widely recognised in offices and large gatherings, the percolator transcends mere nostalgia, offering a coffee with a unique taste. This article delves into the world of percolators, tracing their historical roots …

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What is Neapolitan coffee, and how is it prepared?

Neapolitan coffee

If you’re a true coffee lover, you already know this beverage comes in endless variations, presenting itself in incredible blends and different preparations. One of my favorites is undoubtedly Neapolitan coffee. Characterised by a strong and deep aroma sweetened by suggestive Arabian notes, this coffee captivates anyone who tries it. I can assure you that …

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Delonghi troubleshooting

Delonghi troubleshooting

Before we begin, it’s important to note that DeLonghi manufactures coffee pod machines for Nespresso and Dolce Gusto, in addition to their own coffee machines. To assist you with troubleshooting, we’ve created dedicated guides for Nespresso and Dolce Gusto coffee pod machines, regardless of the manufacturer. If you own one of these machines, please visit …

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What is freeze-dried coffee?

Freeze-dried coffee

When it comes to instant coffee, freeze-dried coffee takes a step ahead of the usual hot spray-dried kind. This type of coffee is made using a different process called freeze-drying, which helps keep the coffee beans’ original smells. Freeze-dried instant coffee tastes better in your cup compared to regular instant coffee. The freezing process at …

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Caramel Macchiato: What kind of coffee is it?

Caramel Macchiato

A Caramel Macchiato is a delightful coffee option for cosy winter evenings. This coffee boasts a pleasing combination of sweetness and smoothness that many find appealing. However, it’s important to note that it does come with a relatively high-calorie count. A larger serving of Caramel Macchiato can contain up to 250 calories. What is Caramel …

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Top 5 Professional coffee machines for home

Top 5 professional coffee machines for home

Are you in search of a professional coffee machine for your home? If so, it’s crucial to note that not all coffee machines are identical. There’s a significant difference between a professional-grade machine and one designed for the occasional coffee drinker. When choosing a coffee machine for your home, you have two options: capsule and …

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The best built-in coffee machines

Bosch CTL636ES6 built-In coffee machine

If you’re passionate about high-quality coffee, built-in coffee machines are the perfect choice to satisfy your palate. Often, deciding to acquire such a coffee machine can be a challenge, but don’t worry, I’ll show you the best available options. Built-in coffee machines help you maintain the functional design of your kitchen while saving you space …

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How does milk froth impact coffee?

Latte Art

Coffee lovers have many choices in their favourite beverages, such as latte, cappuccino and flat white. Milk froth is the key element that binds these drinks together, created through the steaming process, providing a velvety texture and creamy consistency, enhancing the intense flavours of the coffee. While cow’s milk is traditional, plant-derived milk substitutes offer …

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Delonghi drip coffee makers Troubleshooting

Delonghi Drip coffee machine troubleshooting

Delonghi manufactures coffee machines to suit Nespresso and Dolce Gusto capsule systems but also offers a range of super-automatic espresso and drip coffee machines. This guide will address common problems with your drip (or combi) coffee machine. Please note that we will only focus on problems related to the drip coffee maker side for combi …

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Black tea: benefits and types

Types of black tea and its benefits

Famous for its unmistakable taste and invigorating properties, black tea has a prominent place as one of the most widely consumed teas worldwide. Its remarkable richness in theine (caffeine) makes it a popular choice for breakfast and lunch. Although black tea enjoys recognition on the world tea stage, it is sometimes overshadowed by its counterparts, …

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Siphon coffee makers: the art of vacuum brewing

Siphon coffee maker parts

Are you in search of a coffee experience that goes beyond the traditional? Do you crave that extra touch of distinction and pleasure that comes with artisanal coffee preparations? If so, vacuum coffee makers are your answer. Also known as Cona or siphon coffee machines, these unique devices offer a completely manual approach to brewing. …

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What is Turkish coffee, and how is it drunk?

Turkish coffee

Turkish coffee is a beverage steeped in history and tradition. It is known for being a coffee that does not need a coffee maker to prepare it (a kind of long-handled pot is used, which I will tell you about later), and it is drunk unfiltered, i.e. it contains grounds at the bottom of the …

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What is malt coffee?

Malt Coffee

Malt coffee is a delightful beverage made from roasted barley grains instead of traditional coffee beans. Despite lacking caffeine, this drink offers a similar taste and aroma to regular coffee, making it a popular choice for those who wish to enjoy this infusion without experiencing stimulating effects. This beverage is popular worldwide, particularly among communities …

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The lever of my Dolce Gusto is stuck

The lever of my Dolce Gusto is stuck

When we talk about the lever of a Dolce Gusto coffee machine, we specifically refer to the mechanism that is moved to either side to choose between hot or cold water. Certain Dolce Gusto automatic models, such as the Genio, Infinissima Touch, Eclipse, or Magesto, do not incorporate a lever. Instead, the beverage temperature is …

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How to clean a Dolce Gusto coffee machine

How to clean a Dolce Gusto

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the taste of your coffee and ensure the optimal performance of your Dolce Gusto coffee machine. Although cleaning a Dolce Gusto coffee machine may seem daunting, it is not as complicated as it sounds. However, it is essential to follow specific guidelines to avoid possible future damage or regrets. …

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When is the right time to drink coffee?

When is the right time to drink coffee

As with many foods, determining whether coffee is beneficial or harmful depends on a number of factors, such as its quality, individual sensitivity, the amount consumed, the method of preparation chosen and even the time of day at which it is consumed. It should be noted that the stimulating effects of coffee are not constant; …

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Cold brew coffee makers

Cold brew coffee makers

The world of coffee lovers is witnessing a rising trend known as “Cold Brew.” This innovative brewing technique has captured the hearts of enthusiasts far and wide, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional hot-water extraction methods and electric coffee makers; It has nothing to do with iced coffee. Cold Brew is a meticulous process that …

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Combi coffee machines: Your perfect brew buddy

Combi coffee machines

Combi coffee machines, also known as dual coffee machines, offer a practical solution for coffee lovers by combining an espresso machine and a filter coffee machine in one device. These versatile 2-in-1, sometimes even 3-in-1, appliances allow you to prepare a wide variety of drinks, such as cappuccinos, lattes and other espresso-derived beverages while making …

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Coffee maker boiler vs thermoblock

Rancillio Silvia boiller with heating element

The coffee machines use pressurised water and high temperature to prepare coffee. These coffee machines can reach the recommended temperature range of 93º-95ºC using two different heating systems: the boiler and the thermoblock. The thermoblock system has recently become prevalent in coffee machines due to its superior energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, select mid-range and …

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